Essential Tips for Maintaining RV Tires in Storage


When your RV is not in use, it's crucial to take proper care of its tires to prevent damage, maintain their condition, and ensure a safe journey when you hit the road again. In this article, we will provide you with essential tips and best practices to keep your RV tires in excellent condition while in storage. Follow these expert recommendations to prolong the life of your tires and enjoy worry-free travels.

1. Clean and Inspect Tires Before Storage

Before storing your RV, thoroughly clean the tires using mild soap and water. Remove any dirt, debris, or chemicals that could potentially cause damage. Once cleaned, inspect the tires for signs of wear, cracks, or bulges. Address any issues promptly, and consider replacing tires that show significant signs of damage or aging.

2. Inflate to the Recommended Pressure

Proper tire inflation is essential for maintaining their integrity during storage. Inflate the tires to the manufacturer's recommended pressure, which can be found in the RV owner's manual or on a sticker near the driver's side door. Adequate tire pressure helps prevent flat spots and ensures the tires retain their shape while in storage.

3. Protect Tires from UV Rays

Prolonged exposure to sunlight and UV rays can cause tire degradation. To prevent this, park your RV in a shaded area or use tire covers specifically designed to protect against UV rays. Tire covers not only shield the tires from sunlight but also help prevent cracking and drying out due to prolonged exposure.

4. Consider Weight Distribution

When storing your RV, ensure it is properly leveled and distribute the weight evenly to prevent excessive pressure on specific tires. Uneven weight distribution can lead to tire damage and uneven wear. Utilize leveling blocks or equipment to achieve a balanced position and alleviate strain on the tires.

5. Rotate Tires Regularly

Rotating the tires of your RV during storage helps distribute the weight and prevent flat spots from forming. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations for tire rotation intervals. If your RV is stationary for an extended period, consider rotating the tires every three to six months to minimize the risk of flat spots.

6. Move the RV Periodically

If possible, move your RV periodically during storage to prevent the formation of flat spots. Roll the vehicle forward or backward a few feet to shift the weight on the tires. This simple action helps prevent tire deformation and promotes even tire wear.

7. Monitor Tire Pressure Regularly

Even in storage, it's important to monitor the tire pressure regularly. Check the pressure at least once a month and adjust as necessary to ensure it remains within the recommended range. Changes in temperature can affect tire pressure, so it's crucial to maintain the proper inflation level.


Properly maintaining your RV tires while in storage is crucial for their longevity and optimal performance. Follow the tips outlined in this guide to clean, inspect, and protect your tires, as well as maintain proper inflation and weight distribution. By taking these proactive measures, you can ensure your RV is ready for your next adventure, with tires that are in excellent condition and provide a safe and smooth travel experience.